1. How to buy digital currency:
1. Register your account on Bitrue
2. Verify your identity for extra benefits
3. Purchase the coin of your choice in just seconds
2. How to trade crypto:
1. Select a trading pair according to the coins that you already have and the coins you want to purchase
2. Check the current price and decide the details of a trade that you want to make
3. Specify your trading volume and submit your offer
3. Learn about digital assets:
1. What is blockchain? A blockchain is an immutable distributed ledger which can contain information such as how much currency a person holds, and can be expanded to include applications such as distributed data storage, governance mechanisms, asset certification with NFTs, and more!
2. What is a digital asset? Digital assets refer to non-monetary assets that exist in the form of electronic data. They have become very popular since the economic crisis of 2008 due to key differences from fiat (government controlled) currencies, such as their limited supplies.
3. Blockchain and digital assets - Blockchain technology has applications in many industries, and so far progress has been in three main areas - digital currencies, digital financial assets and various digitizable financial assets. Standard digital currencies are issued via blockchain to ensure that they are tamper proof and controlled.