Spot Cost Price
Average Cost Price
The average transaction price for a particular coin made by a particular customer.
Cost Price Formula
(Average cost price on existing holdings × quantity + most recent purchase price × quantity) / net purchase quantity
Primarily used as a reference for making trading decisions, helping to determine the best timing for buying and selling.
Step 1 (With no existing XRP holdings)
You purchase 10 XRP at a purchase price of 3.
Step 2
You purchase an additional 30 XRP at a purchase price of 4.
Average cost price is only calculated based on transactions made within Bitrue.
If the cost price is manually altered and then another spot transaction occurs, a recalculation will be made based on the current cost price.
Net purchase quantity data is taken from transaction records:
It does not include asset appreciation, such as deposits or financial gains, after the cost price calculation.
When a user conducts a transaction that generates a cost price, the display of the cost price when transferring to other accounts follows these rules:
If there is a balance in the spot account, the cost price remains displayed.
If the spot account balance is zero, the cost price is reset to zero.
For users who had assets before the system went online:
After going online, if the cost price is modified, the calculation includes the previous balance and the modified cost price.
After going online, if the cost price is not modified, the calculation does not include the previous balance.
The user has an available balance, and the cost price changes.
Position Quantity:The quantity of assets involved in calculating the cost price.
When the position quantity is 0, the current cost price remains unchanged until the next transaction updates the cost price.
When the user manually changes the cost price, Holding quantity = Spot account balance quantity.
- The cost price precision is limited to 20 decimal places. If the edited value exceeds the currency’s precision, it will be displayed according to the currency’s maximum precision.
If a user has a balance in the spot account and a cost price, but transfers the assets out of the spot account, resulting in a zero balance, and then transfers the assets back to the spot account, the cost price will not be displayed until the next spot transaction occurs, when the cost price will be recalculated.