I. Cross Margin Mode
In Cross Margin Mode, all available funds in your futures account are used as shared collateral for all open positions. If the margin of any position drops to the maintenance margin level, the system will automatically use the available balance in the account to replenish the margin back to the initial level to avoid liquidation. If, after adding all available balance, the margin still falls below the maintenance margin, no further margin will be added, and the position will be liquidated.
II. Isolated Margin Mode
In Isolated Margin Mode, each position has its own margin, which is not shared with other positions. The system will not automatically add margin. You need to manually add the margin if the position’s margin drops. If the margin is not supplemented in time, there is a risk of forced liquidation.
III. Leverage Adjustment in Different Margin Modes
Cross Margin Mode is the default for opening new positions. Both Cross and Isolated Margin Modes allow for leverage adjustments. Please take note that adjusting the leverage will recalculate the margin requirements for the current positions, affecting the liquidation price.
Additional notes:
- You cannot switch between Cross and Isolated Margin modes or change leverage while there are active orders.
- If you do not have enough margin to support an increased position, you cannot adjust the leverage.
- When raising the leverage, the adjusted leverage must not exceed the maximum leverage corresponding to the number of current positions.