Due to the extreme volatility of LUNA (Terra), the risk of trading and holding it as a leveraged token is high. To protect our users from potential risks we have decided to delist the LUNA3S and LUNA3L leverage tokens from the exchange.
- Trading: Trading for both LUNA3S and LUNA3L has already been suspended.
- Settlement: For users who held LUNA3S and LUNA3L leverage tokens on the exchange at the time of delisting, we will credit your Bitrue account with the equivalent value held in each leveraged token at the time of delisting in USDT and within 7 days.
The prices for the settlement would be as follows:
LUNA3L 0.000201
LUNA3S 0.027900
We will be closely monitoring the LUNA (Terra) market and would reconsider list it as leveraged token in the future when it's less volatile.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
Bitrue Team