Two years ago, a monumental vision took shape—an ambitious endeavor to add another dimension (the Y-axis) to the Interchain. This vision materialized as Dymension, a groundbreaking project that aims to revolutionize the blockchain landscape. On February 6, 2024, Dymension achieved a significant milestone: the launch of its Mainnet. Let’s delve into the details of this modular liquidity layer and explore the exciting journey ahead.
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The Birth of Dymension
In physics and mathematics, a dimension represents the minimum coordinates required to specify any point within it. Similarly, Dymension’s journey follows a phased methodology, gradually building the requirements of each phase until all points are covered. Here’s what you need to know about the Dymension Mainnet:
1. Dymension Hub — The Singularity Point
- The Singularity Point marks the beginning of time for Dymension.
- Dymension, as a layer-one blockchain, launched with a decentralized global set of validators.
- Its initial focus lies in enhancing economic security.
- As the security and liquidity layer of the ecosystem, Dymension aggregates substantial liquidity and stake to support the first batch of rollups on the mainnet.
Key activities during this phase include:
- Ensuring sufficient delegated stake for the Dymension blockchain.
- Establishing major IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) and bridging connections across the crypto landscape.
- Proposing the first governance proposals for the Dymension protocol.
- Streaming incentives for single asset staking and trading pairs, forming the foundation of the liquidity layer.
2. 2D Permissioned RollApps
- Building on the momentum set by Genesis, Dymension introduces RollApp X, the first-ever mainnet IBC-rollup.
- Once RollApp X functions as planned, we’ll witness the introduction of “The Draft.” This exciting process involves Dymension governance approving prominent RollApps to transition from testnet to mainnet.
- Alongside this, Rolldrop Season 2 kicks off, bringing more innovation to the ecosystem.
3. 3D Permissionless RollApps
- After successful transitions of several rollups from testnet to mainnet, exponential growth begins.
- The Permissionless RollApps phase removes the need for Dymension governance approval.
- Incentive streams to RollApps based on Total Value Locked (TVL) come into play.
- This phase fosters decentralization and invites human ingenuity to flourish.
4. 4D Internet of RollApps
- The pinnacle phase—4D—is escape velocity mode.
- Dymension transforms into a thriving online organism, running a circular and self-sustainable on-chain economy.
- Countless autonomous crypto services, games, and applications interconnect globally.
- Welcome to the future of blockchain—a dimension where possibilities know no bounds.
Read more: Dymension DYM Revolutionizing Blockchain with Modular RollApps
Dymension’s modular liquidity layer isn’t just about technology; it’s about expanding our understanding of what’s possible. As we venture into this new dimension, let’s embrace the journey—one block at a time.
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