Dear Bitruers,
Flare Networks have recently released some further details about the upcoming Spark FLR distribution - in particular, the distribution ratio of XRP:FLR has been calculated at 1:1.0073. You can read more about how this number was determined on their official blog.
With this information we can now the amount of FLR that each XRP holder on Bitrue is due to receive. Although the initial airdrop of 15% of your total FLR entitlement is due to happen in Q1 or 2 2021, Bitrue will allow you to trade your FLR on the XRP/FLR pair starting January 6th.
We will be conducting the initial distribution of each user's FLR entitlement this Wednesday, December 30th.
Please note that FLR trading will only be available to users who have passed KYC verification. FLR trading will NOT be available to US or Singaporean users until the official Spark distribution, which is expected to happen around Q1 or 2 2021.
Please also note that this is an IOU form of FLR. Trading of genuine FLR will not be possible until the official distribution from Flare Networks has occurred.